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May 2017

A growing show that looks more and more to the future

Renzo Servadei – Autopromotec’s Managing Director

The specialization, the quality of the offer, the international vocation support the growth of the event, but also the great technological ferment that goes through our industry. Providing the best and most accurate picture of this trend, allowing visitors from all over the world to see firsthand all these changes, is certainly one of the goals of this year’s edition of the show.
The next edition of Autopromotec is now very close, and even for this 27th event we are going to inaugurate an even bigger and richer fair than the previous one. On our part, we have worked to further enhance those that are the main strengths of the event: the quality of the offer and its clear international vocation. These two characteristics are closely linked and mutually reliant. The choice to focus more on the qualification and specialization of the exhibition has led to a growth in size and global appeal. Moreover, our close synergy with the main Italian and foreign associations remains paramount: in fact, thanks to the close cooperation with them as well as public authorities, Autopromotec has established itself as a real Hub, a place of meeting and debate for the entire industrial supply chain, obtaining the direct support of the highest public institutions.
But the growth of Autopromotec is mostly supported by the strong innovative drive that is increasingly affecting the car and assistance industry. Providing the best and most accurate picture of this trend, allowing visitors from all over the world to see firsthand all these changes, is certainly one of the goals of this year’s edition of the show. We have always stated that Autopromotec’s most important innovations are the products displayed by the various exhibitors: traditionally, the world’s aftermarket excellence gathers here, and their tailor made proposals, dedicated to the sector’s specialists, have always represented the state-of-the-art as far as technology and innovation are concerned. This time though, as organizers, we thought of creating an important new project that will allow our visitors to touch the far reaching innovations that will soon be a part of tomorrow’s workshops: we have recently been introduced to a new mobility made of connected cars, self-driving vehicles and a flurry of new digital solutions. A great technological leap that we thought of representing, in hall 30, by setting up a Workshop 4.0: an interactive project that will provide a full immersion in new and hi-tech maintenance, repair and service modes. We thought this was the best way to give a clear message to all garage specialists: the fourth industrial revolution is about to enter your workshop, and it is time you knew all about it.
It is easy to foresee that these changes will be accompanied by a greater competition among the sector’s operators: post-market assistance is now filling a pivotal role in a growing number of industrial sectors, forcing independent operators to keep up with the changing times if they want to remain competitive. Faced with such a wave of innovations, investing in the future of the business, upgrading where necessary, will be an increasingly crucial factor. As in most changes, risk factors will also be there, but we would like to emphasize that great professional opportunities, especially for the younger generations, will also be there.
It is under this hope that we want to greet visitors from all over the world. Welcome to Autopromotec 2017!

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