
Autopromotec Conference presents a space dedicated to innovation

Editorial Staff

On the occasion of the 2018 edition, Autopromotec Conference, scheduled from 13 to 14 June at the Unipol Arena in Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), has foreseen an important novelty: the creation of an Innovation Area that will host about 20 organizations among research laboratories, university spin-offs and start-ups. The matchmaking service is active.
On 13-14 June the Unipol Arena in Casalecchio di Reno will host the second edition of the Autopromotec Conference, the convention for the automotive aftermarket world, focused on the topic "Workshop 4.0: digitalisation and new mobility trends, the future of car repair". During the event, we will hear from Italian and international speakers, representatives of institutions, technical and scientific research and major global players in the automotive industry, discussing the latest trends in the industry and their impact on the world of car repairs: connectivity and digitisation, electric cars, self-driving, shared mobility.

Moreover, the 2018 edition will feature an important new development: the Innovation Area, which will host about 20 organisations including research laboratories, university spin-offs and start-ups, selected in collaboration with Aster, a company promoting innovation and technological transfer in the Emilia-Romagna Region. On display will be 3D printing, devices and applications for connected cars, research in the fields of advanced mechanics and materials, patents for electric mobility in search of industrial partners, with the presentation of prototypes and the presence of designers for technical insights. To this end, starting from today the matchmaking portal is active on the Autopromotec Conference website, so that registered conference participants can book meetings during the event with the companies that most interest them.
Exhibitors in the Innovation Area:

The Company manufactures an OBD dongle that transforms any kind of vehicle in a connected vehicle and allows remote interaction and data reading by app. 


Compact and Rugged Combustion Analysis System for use on Vehicles, Motorbikes and Test Benches. OBI-M2 is an extremely compact and fully featured combustion analysis system suitable for use on test benches and on-board, tested and validated in the most demanding racing world. It can be connected to standard crankshaft position sensors, without any crank angle adapter needed.


BETTERY is bringing to the market the green redox battery with the highest specific energy per unit volume and lowest cost, which can be recharged as fast as it takes to refill a tank. 

  Ciri MAM

CIRI MAM is the University of Bologna’s Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research on Advanced Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Technology.

Clust-ER Mech

It is the motoring and mechatronics technology cluster promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region to support the competitiveness of value chain. In Clust-ER Mech, research laboratories and centres for innovation belonging to the High Technology Network team up with the business system and the higher education system to make up the inter-disciplinary critical mass necessary to multiply opportunities and develop strategic projects with a high regional impact.


Drivesec has been founded with the aim to increase the security of embedded systems with particular attention to automotive and mobility worlds. It aims to support the business of its customers by providing turnkey cyber security solutions to strengthen their market solution as cyber physical systems.

GH Enterprise

3D printers for rapid prototyping with Speedy Board 2.0 for IoT functionality. GH Enterprise has experience in electronic design, engineering and production of electronic products.


MAT3D designs and produces innovative polymeric materials for additive manufacturing with high performances in terms of thermo-mechanical resistance and with advanced functional properties that can be used for industrial applications and production of functional parts. 


MUSP lab. presents metal foams: revolutionary materials with alveolar structure that can be used to improve vehicles’ safety and performance. 


Conversion of internal combustion engine vehicles to electric propulsion: low environmental impact; low maintenance and low vehicle operating cost; increase in the lifecycle of the car; access to restricted traffic zones.


The Company develops advanced technological solutions for innovation of product and manufacturing processes such as surface hardening through laser heat treatment; 3D components printing via selective laser melting; engineering of components, simulation of casting processes, assistance and monitoring of processes.

Onda Solare

Solar prototype designed and built by the University of Bologna 


Alloy Design, fluid dynamics, product and process metallurgy, process and product modeling, metal powder production technologies for advanced manufacturing applications development and tuning.


Stationless Bike sharing service: integrated digital technologies for Smart Cities e 4.0 industries.



Stoorm5 enables the easy development of IoT apps, providing every required tool within the platform. Our API allows to connect, monitor, and control devices through the Stoorm5 platform, adopting any programming language. 


Web and mobile IT platform of multiple mobility and vehicle related services. Free car services aggregation app. In addition to ordinary features, such as payment schedules for your tax car, vehicle inspection, car insurance, and maintenance, it incorporates online services in partnership with industry and business partners, such as: accident support, legal consultancy for road fine disputes, local promotions. The car maintenance features allow you to book maintenance work online and via app. CRM module available for car workshop and car dealers." 


TIME stands for Integrated Technology for Electric Mobility – a 'retrofit' solution for turning used combustion engine vehicles in electric vehicles. TIME's system and integration methodology differ from traditional approaches to 'retrofit' for greater attention to interfacing problems between electric powertrain components and between powertrain and vehicle. This approach guarantees greater product quality, considerable reliability and performance comparable to those of electric cars produced by car manufacturers. A unique feature of the TIME system concerns the transformation procedure of the donor vehicle and kit installation phases. These steps consist mainly of a series of mechanical operations aimed at installing pre-assembled and sealed macro-components on the vehicle. Therefore, transformation operations can run using normal workshop equipment and mechanical-electric training personnel.


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