Autopromotec flies to Las Vegas for the SEMA Show and AAPEX

This is an initiative that has been carried out for some years now by ICE Agenzia, with the valuable support of ANFIA and AICA, and the collaboration of Autopromotec.
The aim of the project is to create solid and lasting connections between the excellence of Made in Italy automotive products and the dynamic North American market.
The first appointment will be at the SEMA Show, which will take place from 5 to 8 November at the Las Vegas Convention Center. It is one of the world's most important events for automotive aftermarket professionals, offering the opportunity to meet manufacturers of components, equipment and accessories to enhance the safety, performance, comfort and aesthetics of cars, commercial vehicles and SUVs. The event will host around 70,000 buyers and more than 2,400 exhibiting companies, including the 10 that will be present at the Italian pavilion, through the collective coordinated by ICE Agenzia: Bracchi Ruote, Evo Corse, Fasep 2000, Fiammenghi Italia, Frap, Govoni, HM4X4, M&B Engineering, Teknel and Zeca.
Simultaneously, from 5-7 November, AAPEX, whose last edition was attended by 47,000 buyers and more than 2,500 exhibiting companies, will take place at the Venetian Expo halls in Las Vegas. Here, aftermarket auto parts dealers, distributors, auto parts warehouses, trade professionals, technicians, service chains, automotive dealers, paint/body shop personnel, automotive aftermarket leaders and innovators will be the real stars. Within this dynamic context, the Italian pavilion will host 12 companies: Air Top Italia, Errecom, Esi Italia, Fiamm Energy Technology, Gart, Geicos Group, General Cab, Lopigom, Metelli-Graf, Nordic Jones, S.I.RA.L. and UFI Filters.