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March 2018

Diesel engines to decline? Incentives and super-filters to facilitate the transition

In the wake of the decision by several large cities to ban diesel-fuelled vehicles, announcements by manufacturers determined to stop producing diesel engines are multiplying. In Europe, though, according to Acea data, out of 252 million cars 41.2% are diesel. Bans alone are no longer sufficient.
Dino Collazzo
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#Laws and regulations #Garage Equipment #Market
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May 2017

Second hand economy: used cars drive the aftermarket

We are looking at an important market, one that has sustained Auto-components manufacturers , spare parts dealers and repair workshops during the worst period of the recession. Not only, the sector has continued to generate good profits margins for dealers, authorized and private retailers right down to our days. The web represents the biggest news for the sector with change of ownerships constantly on the rise. In Italy, according to a research carried out by Doxa, the second-hand car market is worth 19 billion euro.
Dino Collazzo

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April 2017

Aftermarket, competition among firms increasingly selective

The Italian Independent aftermarket is currently enjoying good health and closed last year with a positive sign. Apart from last year’s figures though, the whole supply chain is undergoing  a reorganization of relationships and partnerships between trading partners creating a new economic balance. According to the Polytechnic University of Turin and more specifically its research center for the automotive sector, a selection process favoring the most virtuous companies is currently taking place.
Dino Collazzo

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January 2017

Online spare parts sales; e-commerce a new business opportunity for the Aftermarket

More and more car owners are buying aftermarket components, such as accessories and tires, online and at competitive prices. A growing business which is likely to erode the revenues of many workshops and specialized dealers forced now to invest in e-commerce, where end-users are attracted by: low costs and detailed product information.
Dino Collazzo

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