Autopromotec 2019, networking is physical
Renzo Servadei
The virtual world has taught us how to use to the full the computing power of many of our electronic devices to significantly increase the results of certain activities.
The virtual world has taught us how to use to the full the computing power of many of our electronic devices to significantly increase the results of certain activities. Examples of this are the development of artificial intelligence, the internet of things and block-chain technology. What about the physical world? In this case, the fact that the above mentioned spectacular acceleration of technology is the result of thousands of individual excellences, seems less obvious, especially as far as cars are concerned. The fact that mechanical parts, software, sensors, advanced materials and industrial applications were integrated as a result of painstaking research, allowed the industry to create devices that only a few years ago seemed unthinkable and now we commonly find in our cars. Only a few year back, at the turn of the century, the mere thought that cars would soon be able to brake on their own in case of emergency and keep to a lane “reading” the road and road signs, seemed more like the plot of a science fiction film than a reality. Therefore, we can safely state that the future is now. A future in which mobility will be increasingly sustainable, safer and captivating. Last but not least, this new mobility is bound to offer new job opportunities for the younger generations. All these new and innovative technologies must be first of all designed, and then industrialised and kept in perfect working order through predictive maintenance, bearing always in mind that these new forms of mobility will favour the use of the vehicle over ownership. In addition, the automotive sector has always possessed an adrenaline-filled charm that is the result of the union between technology and passion. And here in Bologna, the heart of the Motor Valley, we know exactly what we mean when we talk about passion. Nor only famous sports cars that compete and win on tracks all over the world, but also a dense network of suppliers of components and equipment that represent a real excellence in their respective markets. Therefore, where else would an event such as Autopromotec find its perfect setting? With pride we can say that this year’s event will be the most important exhibition in the automotive aftermarket sector, one that has always been a real driving force behind the economy of any country. There is more to the automotive industry than producing vehicles, though an important part of it; there is also an entire supply chain that deals with maintenance and assistance. And it is precisely here that our country boasts large industrial districts and well-known companies, appreciated all over the world, which will unveil their new products at Autopromotec 2019 from the 22nd to the 26th of May.