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SustainabilityTechnology Innovation

Autonomous vehicles, drive-assist levels explained

Simonluca Pini - Contributor Editor de Il Sole 24 Ore
Adas systems, a regular feature now on all newly registered cars, and the development of artificial intelligence are shaping future mobility scenarios in which the human factor will lose its central role.

Analysis and ScenariosLaws and regulationsSustainability

Car pollution, CO2 drops to new lows thanks to new vehicle registrations

Editorial Staff - Autopromotec Observatory
In Italy, from 2008 to 2017, CO2 went from 144.3 g / km to 112.4 g / km. A positive result indeed when compared with the average trend in other EU countries. These figures, from Unrae source, emerge from data processed by the Autopromotec Observatory

SustainabilityTechnology Innovation

Electric Cars, success follows correct battery disposal and recycling

Dino Collazzo
The average performance of electric motors is growing significantly thanks also to ultra-fast chargers and long-lasting batteries. However, "sustainability" depends largely on the effective reuse of battery metals. Here is an assessment of the situation.

Analysis and ScenariosSustainabilityTechnology Innovation

Electric cars, all the figures of a growing market

Gennaro Speranza - Econometrica
Over three million EVs are currently circulating around the world, of which 1.3 million sold in 2017 alone, boosting the transition towards a more sustainable mobility. China, Europe and the US are the largest markets. By 2030 eight out of every ten new vehicles will be battery-powered. However, a few loose ends need to be tied up first.

Analysis and ScenariosAutomotive IndustrySustainabilityTechnology Innovation

Autonomous vehicles, more cities engaged in safety tests

Dino Collazzo
According to a recent classification by Bloomberg Philanthropies over one hundred cities around the world are currently engaged in testing self-driving cars and the list keeps growing with North America and Europe leading the way. By 2030 this market segment might be worth around 95 billion dollars.

Analysis and ScenariosSustainabilityTechnology Innovation

Autonomous Cars, new liability rules in the event of accidents

Dino Collazzo
Passenger, manufacturer or software designer: who is to blame in the event of a claim when a “self-driving” vehicle is involved? We spoke about it with Laura Lecchi, lawyer and author on the subject of IT Law at the School of Engineering of the University of Bologna


Synthetic fuels, fighting emissions pending the electric car revolution

Dino Collazzo
Gas, diesel and petrol produced in laboratories using renewable energy, hydrogen and Co2. For Giuseppe Nigliaccio, an engineer working at the Bologna ENEA Centre, the perfect example are fuels using "power-to-gas" technology to produce synthetic methane

Laws and regulationsSustainability

Battery Packs, experience and know-how vital in case of fire

Dino Collazzo
"Thermal runaway" is the main issue with electric cars. According to the US Federal Agency NHTSA, batteries can ignite as a result of mechanical shocks, electrical or thermal problems. Recent cases show that the likelihood of this happening is very low and can be traced back to accidents. Here's how to prevent and manage them

Laws and regulationsSustainabilityTechnology Innovation

“Smart” cars; privacy protection means big business for the automotive industry

Dino Collazzo
Limits to data collection, precise objectives and anonymity; these, according to Claudia Cevenini and Laura Lecchi, professors of IT Law and Informatics at the University of Bologna, are the basic guidelines for combining protection and technological development. Result: a competitive advantage for companies

Analysis and ScenariosSustainabilityTechnology InnovationTrade Fairs and Events

“OFFICINA 4.0: Digitalization and new mobility trends, the future of car repair”

Editorial Staff
Autopromotec Conference makes a comeback in June: a two day forum with leading representatives of the automotive industry to review the rapid changes affecting the whole sector and the trends that will soon impact the aftermarket

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