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Analysis and ScenariosSustainabilityTechnology Innovation

Autonomous Cars, new liability rules in the event of accidents

Dino Collazzo
Passenger, manufacturer or software designer: who is to blame in the event of a claim when a “self-driving” vehicle is involved? We spoke about it with Laura Lecchi, lawyer and author on the subject of IT Law at the School of Engineering of the University of Bologna

Analysis and Scenarios

Protectionism not a solution

Mauro Severi - President AICA
From Trump’s “America First” to the “Made in China 2025” plan, statements towards a closed world market are being multiplied. In this scenario Europe risks being the weaker subject. We need economic interventions and a common strategy to react to aggressive industrial policies

Analysis and Scenarios

Diesel engines to decline? Incentives and super-filters to facilitate the transition

Dino Collazzo
In the wake of the decision by several large cities to ban diesel-fuelled vehicles, announcements by manufacturers determined to stop producing diesel engines are multiplying. In Europe, though, according to Acea data, out of 252 million cars 41.2% are diesel. Bans alone are no longer sufficient.

Analysis and ScenariosLaws and regulationsTechnology Innovation

Iot, hacking attacks and possible scenarios. Here’s how to protect yourself

By Laurence Pitt - Tech Economy journalist – 04/05/2017
Laurence Pitt, journalist, addressed the issue in an article published on Tech Economy indicating the risks and countermeasures to be taken by companies to defend themselves. The editors of Autopromotec Blog decided to post it for the benefit of its readers

Analysis and ScenariosSustainabilityTechnology InnovationTrade Fairs and Events

“OFFICINA 4.0: Digitalization and new mobility trends, the future of car repair”

Editorial Staff
Autopromotec Conference makes a comeback in June: a two day forum with leading representatives of the automotive industry to review the rapid changes affecting the whole sector and the trends that will soon impact the aftermarket

Analysis and Scenarios

Automotive components; open innovation and research the keys for competitiveness

Dino Collazzo
As the automotive supply chain keeps churning out great numbers, megatrends such as autonomous driving, digitization, electric and hybrid technologies will usher in a great renovation in the sector. Here is how to move in the current scenario and gain new market shares

Analysis and Scenarios

Putting man in the picture

Renzo Servadei, Managing Director Autopromotec
A blog such as Autopromotec, should focus essentially on technology, on innovation and the future. Of course, much will be said about these issues. Our aim is to deal with the most advanced technology currently offered by the automotive aftermarket, waiting for a firsthand experience at Autopromotec 2019. But never neglecting to put man right in the picture.

Analysis and Scenarios

Alternative fuel vehicles; hybrid cars soaring in Europe

Dino Collazzo
Positive numbers for alternative fuel engines. The first half of 2017 closed with 123,276 cars more than in the same period of 2016. Such positive figures show how the car industry is investing in developing engines that make the most of both gas and electricity.

Analysis and ScenariosTechnology InnovationTrade Fairs and Events

Data freedom

Simonluca Pini
Autopromotec recently became the stage for lively debates on telematics, vehicle control and data flow during the conference: "Vehicle information: access denied ?!". Industry associations focused on the importance of ensuring direct access to vehicle diagnostic data and the risks facing the entire industry.

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