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#Innovation #Industrial Scenarios #Interviews
July/August 2018

Automotive; producers and suppliers must be ready to cope with mobility’s new challenges; here’s how

According to Andrea Marinoni, Roland Berger senior partner, the automotive supply chain is called upon to review its business models so as to govern the 4 megatrends currently shaping the market: mobility, autonomous driving, digitization and electrification
Editorial Staff
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#e-mobility #Innovation
July/August 2018

Electric Cars, success follows correct battery disposal and recycling

The average performance of electric motors is growing significantly thanks also to ultra-fast chargers and long-lasting batteries. However, "sustainability" depends largely on the effective reuse of battery metals. Here is an assessment of the situation.
Dino Collazzo
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#Innovation #Digital marketing
July/August 2018

Aftermarket digitization: a two-speed process

The automotive sector is experiencing a significant digital transformation leading to the creation of "smart factories" as well as developing new e-commerce channels. However, this does not apply to all levels of the supply chain: for example, small medium-sized Italian aftermarket companies are finding the going quite tough.
Nicoletta Ferrini

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#Laws and regulations
July/August 2018

The European Commission reviews the Machinery Directive

About ten years after issuing the Directive, the technical staff of the European Commission considered it appropriate to proceed with an evaluation of the suitability of the same to new products and new technologies currently available or in the pipeline.
Massimo Brunamonti

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#Autopromotec 2019
July/August 2018

The 2019 edition of Autopromotec is ready to take on the challenge of the new trends in mobility

Autopromotec and its initiatives, like Autopromotec Conference – State of the Industry 2018, increasingly represent an exclusive moment for the automotive sector; Optimism, disruption and sharing are the concepts that overwhelmingly emerged; The 2019 edition of Autopromotec is a natural place for in-depth analysis and sharing for the aftermarket
Editorial Staff

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Special on Autopromotec Conference 2018

Changes and decisions

Autopromotec Conference – State of the Industry 2018 proved to be the perfect setting to investigate the changes affecting mobility as a whole as well as the aftermarket industry, focusing throughout the two day event on the simplest of messages: due to these changes we are all compelled to make choices.
Renzo Servadei – CEO Autopromotec

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#Digital marketing #Autopromotec 2019
Special on Autopromotec Conference 2018

Aftermarket, five online marketing strategies

During the 2018 edition of Autopromotec Conference – State of the Industry -, Marco Marlia, co-founder and CEO of MotorK, tackled the issue of digitization in the aftermarket sector. Here are the steps needed to attract new online customers making the most of e-commerce channels.
Dino Collazzo
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#Road Safety
Special on Autopromotec Conference 2018

Road accidents, Europe still grappling with the issue

Every week 500 people die on the streets of the old continent. These are the data contained in the last ETSC report released in our country.
Editorial Staff

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#Innovation #Autopromotec 2019
May 2018

Autopromotec Conference presents a space dedicated to innovation

On the occasion of the 2018 edition, Autopromotec Conference, scheduled from 13 to 14 June at the Unipol Arena in Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), has foreseen an important novelty: the creation of an Innovation Area that will host about 20 organizations among research laboratories, university spin-offs and start-ups. The matchmaking service is active.
Editorial Staff
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#New Technologies #e-mobility #Industrial Scenarios #sustainable mobility
May 2018

Electric cars, all the figures of a growing market

Over three million EVs are currently circulating around the world, of which 1.3 million sold in 2017 alone, boosting the transition towards a more sustainable mobility. China, Europe and the US are the largest markets. By 2030 eight out of every ten new vehicles will be battery-powered. However, a few loose ends need to be tied up first.
Gennaro Speranza - Econometrica
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