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#Industrial Scenarios
May 2017

Automotive, 3 factors are currently changing the automotive world

The development of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, coupled to a growing desire for a new shared and eco-friendly mobility are the trends currently leading the automotive industry towards a “new spring”.  A revolution that involves traditional Oem and Iam manufacturers, innovative start-ups and hi-tech multinational corporations. All competing to get a piece of the pie.
Dino Collazzo

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#Industrial Scenarios #Economy
May 2017

The European Union at a fork between integration and a market only policy

As the global economic influence of the EU declines, there are concerns over which path to take in the near future given a choice between moderate interventions and cries for a stronger cooperation.
Matteo Prioschi, journalist of Il Sole 24 Ore

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#New Technologies #Innovation #Infrastructures
May 2017

Smart mobility: smart infrastructures the real challenge for connected vehicles

Not just communication between vehicles but also between them and the surrounding world. Wi-Fi networks accessible on the roads, 5G technologies, smart road signs and traffic lights are all elements that will enable the digital transformation of mobility. The first step of this change will be operational as of 2019. But where do we stand at the moment?
Dino Collazzo

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#Laws and regulations #Economy
May 2017

EGEA along with 92 other associations agree on an ambitious European industrial strategy

By endorsing the joint declaration, EGEA (European Garage Equipment Association) confirms the need for robust policies on behalf of Europe’s future industrial production, 99% of which is made up of SME, the real backbone of the continent’s economy and industry. The initiative bears a great significance also for the car repair sector.
Massimo Brunamonti

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May 2017

Growing abroad? No improvising, please

In a crowded automotive market, besides product quality and price, the ability to create value for the customer is becoming increasingly crucial. Here are some useful tips to facilitate the creation of a greater catchment area abroad and increase revenues.
Gianfranco Lai - M&T Italia Srl

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May 2017

Second hand economy: used cars drive the aftermarket

We are looking at an important market, one that has sustained Auto-components manufacturers , spare parts dealers and repair workshops during the worst period of the recession. Not only, the sector has continued to generate good profits margins for dealers, authorized and private retailers right down to our days. The web represents the biggest news for the sector with change of ownerships constantly on the rise. In Italy, according to a research carried out by Doxa, the second-hand car market is worth 19 billion euro.
Dino Collazzo

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#Autopromotec 2017
May 2017

Record forecast for Autopromotec 2017

A futher increase in occupied surface area and exhibitors number, that will be 1,651 this year, with an even greater share of foreign companies. More than 120 institutional buyers will be arriving from over 30 countries, while over 100,000 visitors are expected, with a marked increase in international operators.
Editorial Staff

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May 2017

Access to vehicle data, AICA supports the In-Vehicle Interface solution

The European Commission recently launched the C-ITS project to study a “standard, interoperable and safe open-access platform”, and points to three possible solutions: an interoperable on-board OTP system (Open Telematics Platform), an advanced direct user-interface or IVI system (In-Vehicle Interface) and an external cloud-based platform (Extended Vehicle). But only one of these, according to AICA, can guarantee the creation and subsequent development of independent and competitive services.
Massimo Brunamonti

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#Autopromotec Observatory
May 2017

Connected cars: Europe to lead the world in sales and turnover by 2022

According to forecasts provided by Autopromotec’s Observatory, within five years the European market will reach a turnover of over 48 billion euro, surpassing what is now to be considered the world's largest market, the US. Growth, though, will be staggering in all countries.
Editorial Staff

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#New Technologies
May 2017

Hydrogen-powered cars, a future 1,000 billion dollar automotive business

According to a research published by Information Trends, in 2032 vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells could amount to as many as 22.2 million. But reaching these volumes will largely depend on investments in innovation and technologies aimed at breaking down the production costs of hydrogen and create a capillary network of refueling stations.
Dino Collazzo

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#Autopromotec 2017 #Heavy Vehicles
May 2017

Autopromotec renews its focus on Industrial Vehicle Service

The initiative for heavy vehicles represents an important part of the 2017 Bologna trade show, in a segment that is becoming increasingly strategic and competitive. A guide and exhibition space dedicated to the sector will facilitate the visit of the operators concerned.
Editorial Staff

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