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#Innovation #Industrial Scenarios #Infrastructures #sustainable mobility
May 2018

Autonomous vehicles, more cities engaged in safety tests

According to a recent classification by Bloomberg Philanthropies over one hundred cities around the world are currently engaged in testing self-driving cars and the list keeps growing with North America and Europe leading the way. By 2030 this market segment might be worth around 95 billion dollars.
Dino Collazzo
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#Laws and regulations
May 2018

Vehicle type approvals, new European regulations in force from 2020

Europe’s emission control system is about to undergo extensive reforms following Brussels decision to approved past proposals in this regard, including stricter controls throughout the whole continental market. Waiting for the green light by the European Council, EGEA analyzes the changes.
Editorial Staff
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#Industrial Scenarios #Economy #Editorial
April 2018

Protectionism not a solution

From Trump’s “America First” to the “Made in China 2025” plan, statements towards a closed world market are being multiplied. In this scenario Europe risks being the weaker subject. We need economic interventions and a common strategy to react to aggressive industrial policies
Mauro Severi - President AICA
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#Autopromotec 2019
April 2018

Autopromotec 2019, 28th edition off and running with important new developments

The organisers are announcing several new developments reflecting the innovative spirit and unstoppable growth the fair has witnessed for some time: updated exhibition space and increased emphasis on the “fair within the fair”, a new image to guide an increasingly connected sector, increase in pre-registrations in confirmation of the trend of recent editions
Editorial Staff
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#Biofuels #e-mobility
April 2018

Synthetic fuels, fighting emissions pending the electric car revolution

Gas, diesel and petrol produced in laboratories using renewable energy, hydrogen and Co2. For Giuseppe Nigliaccio, an engineer working at the Bologna ENEA Centre, the perfect example are fuels using "power-to-gas" technology to produce synthetic methane
Dino Collazzo
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#Laws and regulations #Garage Equipment
April 2018

OBD access electronic certification. How to guarantee safety and free and fair competition in the repair business

EGEA and AFCAR point out the need for an electronic certificate that regulates access and guarantees privacy, security and puts an end to tampering practices. The European Parliament, meanwhile, established that the Commission must develop within the year an adequate legislative framework
Massimo Brunamonti
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#Innovation #Laws and regulations #Road Safety
April 2018

Mandatory eCall device. What is it and how does it work

New vehicles registered after March 31 will have to be equipped with a standard satellite tracking device capable of sending an emergency call alerting the closest rescue team in the event of an accident. Older models could adopt a universal eCall kit
Dino Collazzo

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#Globalization #Autopromotec 2019
April 2018

Autopromotec 2019: new promotion road-show in Indonesia and institutional presence at INAPA

Indonesia is, for several reasons, an area of interest for the whole automotive industry. In Jakarta, thanks to the full support of the local ICE office, the organizers of Autopromotec held meetings with the main stakeholders of the region, including an institutional participation to the latest INAPA event
Mauro Paternò

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#New Technologies #e-mobility #Interviews
April 2018

Autonomous Cars, new liability rules in the event of accidents

Passenger, manufacturer or software designer: who is to blame in the event of a claim when a “self-driving” vehicle is involved? We spoke about it with Laura Lecchi, lawyer and author on the subject of IT Law at the School of Engineering of the University of Bologna
Dino Collazzo
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#e-mobility #Road Safety
March 2018

Battery Packs, experience and know-how vital in case of fire

"Thermal runaway" is the main issue with electric cars. According to the US Federal Agency NHTSA, batteries can ignite as a result of mechanical shocks, electrical or thermal problems. Recent cases show that the likelihood of this happening is very low and can be traced back to accidents. Here's how to prevent and manage them
Dino Collazzo
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March 2018

Diesel engines to decline? Incentives and super-filters to facilitate the transition

In the wake of the decision by several large cities to ban diesel-fuelled vehicles, announcements by manufacturers determined to stop producing diesel engines are multiplying. In Europe, though, according to Acea data, out of 252 million cars 41.2% are diesel. Bans alone are no longer sufficient.
Dino Collazzo
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